Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Wooo, hey Ian, did a bit of visualizing in my head and here's a little addition to your original :oD

Panel 1 - Barricade "interrogating" Sam.
(View from back with Sam down on his butt and his back facing reader, Barricade facing reader, in threatening pose)

Panel 2 - (Close up panel, side of Sam's and Barricade's faces)
Barricade: "Are you username LadiesMan217?"

Sam: "Uh..."

Panel 3 - Barricade advances more threateningly and asks more fiercely.
(Close up frontal face shot of a very enraged and impatient Barricade, with slight top of Sam's head at bottom of panel)
Barricade: "ARE YOU USERNAME LADIESMAN217?" (red LED eyes blazing)

Panel 4 - (Show top half of Sam's frightened face, sweat dripping down temple and forehead, focus is on his eyes)
Sam: "Uh, no...."

Panel 5 - (Show bottom half of Sam's face. Sam flashes a wide toothy grin at Barricade. Focus on evil predatory grin, showing bared teeth)
Sam: "I'm actually BotLover69."

(Panels 4 and 5 can be just Sam's full face, but split into two frames showing the two different emotions. Panel 6 just beside 4 and 5)

Panel 6 - (Barricade does a o.O face in surprise and (mouth in) revulsion)

Panel 7 - Barricade, with his arms out, leans back and slowly backs away from Sam.

Panel 8 - (Sam audibly "snaps" on latex glove on his right hand. Right hand in foreground, but not completely blocking Sam's face with evil grin)
Sam: "Playtime."

Panel 9 - (View of other part of "set", not showing Sam and Barricade)
Barricade: "Nuh..nuhhh... NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" (words go across panel)


Hehehe..what do you think? Panel 1 and 2 could probably be combined together if necessary.

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