Thursday, July 5, 2007

Batman Vs Frank Miller

I just can't get over how bad Frank Miller's "I'm the goddamn Batman" line is from All-Star Batman, so while I was waiting to pick up Aeris from the train station yesterday, this idea came to me and I fleshed out the script in about five minutes.

Knowing how much you love Batman AND Frank Miller, I hope you get a kick out of this, Theo!

Panel 1 - Dialogue box at the top of the panel. Batman is perched atop a roof (either crouched or standing) looking down at the streets

"I can smell the musty thick coat of dried blood on every corner. I can hear the screams of the women being beaten up and raped by big sweaty men. If you walk down the right back alley in this town you can find anything. This city reeks of evil. This city reeks of SIN."

Panel 2 - Image same as the first - figured out where Batman is yet?

Dialogue box: "Gotham is like Metropolis, compared to this cesspool of a town. No one knows fear here. No one has..."

Word balloon coming from off-panel, from the right:
"Oi! What the #$%& are you doing on my set?"

Panel 3 - Batman turns and looks to the right. Frank Miller has walked into the panel.

Batman: "What, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn Batman." (Theo, if you could make this appear EXACTLY the way the word balloons appear in All-Star Batman [see this blog entry of yours] that'd be great!)

Batman: "Who the hell are you?"

Panel 4 - Frank Miller speaks!

Frank: "I'm Frank Miller."

Panel 5 - Both characters just look at each other. Complete silence.

Panel 6 - Batman: "Think I can play Dwight in the next movie, Mr Miller?"

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