Thursday, May 17, 2007

Kiasu Law

This scenario just got into my head while I was making coffee:

Geeks face off a bunch of kiasu aunties who are jostling to buy a PS3 for their kids/grandkids/nieces/nephews, and the aunties are formed together with their umbrellas acting as spears and shields (open umbrellas), with their "helmets" of permed hair or maybe even mohawks. And they're screaming against the geeks, "No retreat! No surrender! For this is kiasu law!!!"

Hmm, sounds familiar, no? Hahaha!!! Maybe we can fit that into the comic somewhere. Hurhur!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ideas will come flowing from me...probably 28 days later

heh. Looks like I've got to change my font colour while this blog is still using the default black background! Feel free to change the background anytime you want to, Theo.

Anyway, my first post in this blog! And I didn't even know this blog existed until I came online this morning! Since I AM a self-professed geek (and not nerd...we know that geeks are so much cooler than nerds), it seems that this type of site would suit me to a T. Especially since I'll be one of those participating and contributing ideas to this blog, dedicated to "publishing" our very own comic/web comic/cartoon strip/web strip/potential movie in the making.

Sooooo...I wonder how we go about doing this? Surely we have to start from somewhere and not randomly post a blog entry (like I'm doing right now) asking about how we're going to do this?


Monday, May 14, 2007


Hello everyone! This "28 Geeks Later" idea struck me yesterday as I was reading the forums and came across a thread title "just watched 28 weeks today"

Most of us will know that 28 Weeks Later is a zombie movie of sorts, though personally, I've yet to see that and 28 Days Later. But seeing "Weeks" sorta opened my mind and my inner geek up.

Why not have a spoof comic or movie of sorts titled "28 Geeks Later"? :oD The idea of zombified geeks lusting after PS3 sets, various geek toys and stuff would be cool eh! All that while the hero geek tries to achieve something (which I haven't thought of yet) to save the day.

A brief introduction on the co-authors, both of whom count as the greatest friends I ever have:

Ian - [Script] An old church buddy whom, I believe, shares the same zany humour with me and fed on our regular diet of Animaniacs, Freakazoid, Army of Darkness (Ian introduced me to it, brilliant stuff!) and various other things.

Rees - [Colourist] Another good ol' friend! As of now, she's in NAFA and we used to have library sessions reading comics or trying to make something out of a Hell^Frog (evil me) character, but that's another comic for another time!

and lastly,

Me - [Line (f)art] Probably someone with a rather warped sense of humour, as yet an amateur "artist", if I may so boldly use that term. Anyhow, ideas and constructive comments will be most welcome!